Back again. Here's the promised view of the kitchen. It's light cabinetry, so that, even though there's not much natural light in there, it's not as dark as it might be. There's a dishwasher, a stove, a refrigerator (with ice-maker) and lots of cabinets. I'm not going to have much to fill them up with right now, because I was selective in loading up the motor home, but I don't care. It'll be nice to have empty space--for a while, at least.
Now if you walk a step or two further into the apartment and look the length of the living and dining areas, you look out onto this little patio. My camera was shocked by being aimed out the window, so the picture was very dark, and I tried to lighten it up. I think that my apartment faces east, so I'll have morning sun but shade in the afternoon and evening. From what I hear about Vegas temperatures, it gets VERY hot in the daytime, but it cools down very nicely in the evening, and there are no bugs--YAY!!! So I expect I will be sitting out there with my laptop doing writing of one sort or another. I LIKE that image!
The bedroom is just a square room, BUT it has both a large closet with sliding glass doors AND a walk-in closet (I remember saying, when I bought my condo, that I would NEVER again live in a domicile without a walk-in closet! Well, except for the motor home!). And it opens into one part of a two-part bathroom, with a counter with a sink and a bathtub/shower area. It's pretty big, really amazingly big, considering, and it has a door that opens into the other part of the two-part bathroom, which is really HUGE (please note that I'm standing IN the bathroom when I'm taking this picture), and has a toilet and a sink. So that second part is available to guests who don't need access to the shower part of the bathroom. It's a really clever floor plan, one I've never seen before.
Back in the living room, take a look at what's called the "entertain- ment center," those two "caves" at the far end of the picture. They're molded into/out of the wall (I think they call them "radius walls"--at least that's what the rental agent called them. They're stucco or plaster, but the corners are all rounded). Anyway, the upper cavity holds up to a 30" TV and the bottom can handle cable, DVD, stereo or whatever. I was thinking I'd have my stereo shipped from Austin, but I don't know where I'd put it, so I think I'll just get a small one (a Bose, maybe?) and ship out my CDs. In between the two tables that you see there, by the way, is the doorway into the bedroom. I'll probably put a small desk where the table is (maybe I'll have my grandmother's writing desk shipped out), and maybe even a wine table like the decorator has done.
The final photo is taken from the parking lot in front of the rental office, and I'm looking across Town Center Drive at one of the buildings in the 10-building Yucca Mountain Project complex. It's your first real look (but it won't be your last!) at the mountain range that looms over my office. And that big impressive green glass facade is where I went on my first morning here (just one month ago yesterday!), to get my temporary badge and an escort to the building where I would actually work. From the best of my figuring, my office is pretty much directly under the light pole that you can see--on the far side of the four buildings that form a sort of circle on the far side of the block. The building you can see is part of a similar circle of buildings, so I'll be walking to the other side of that block--should be about a 10 minute walk to and fro every day. I'm not sure that I'll walk home at lunchtime, since they only take 1/2 hour lunches (I got spoiled in the rest of my corporate career--I've always had an hour for lunch). But I can microwave something and eat at my desk with no problem.
Anyway, I hope you can see why I'm so excited about this final move. I say once more that I love the motor home--in its place. It's great when all I have is time--and when there are lots of resources around if I need help. That has NOT been the case here, and it only took me a month to find it out. And not too much money, either.
Okay, that's it for now. More on this as I figure out what's next. But I think my next blog is either going to be about casinos (the pink elephant in the middle of the room that I haven't mentioned) or about some of the sites I've been hearing about nearby.
Since I have forgotten how I logged in before, it is so much easier to send a reply anonymous and sign at the bottom. Great update. I am so excited for you. I agree that things are opening splendidly for you. That path is right there in front of you and you did open your eyes. Hope all continues to go well with Nev. Hope you are recovering from your illness. Take care. Betty
The ticket on your laurels has run out, so it is time to write something else in your journel. How will we know all the exciting stuff you are doing??
We are closing another month soon, where is all the time going??
I don't have a definitive answer on permanent employment at the airport, but I am happy as a speckled pup to have contract work at $35.00/hour. The hours are flexible right now, so I have been able to keep up with some appointments. I am seeing Dr. Stuart (referred by Zoere') once a week.and he is helping with my neck issues. There was so much old damage for him to work with, it is taking a while. When he fixes my neck, we will work on the weight I have gained while in so much pain and cortisol pumping 90 miles an hour, lung deficiencies/asthma and the pascreas. Until I run out of money, I'm not going to worry. It is my bank accoumt for a reason, so I might as well use it or I might lose it.
Take care write soon.
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